More likely, hes a grifter, pandering to a gullible audience. Steve argues for 150,000 vaccine deaths in the US. The p-value was <.01, i.e., they didnt just get lucky.. It approves them when large randomized controlled trials prove they work. Those are the most likely to die. Steve should just double down on funding trials for cheap, generic drugs. Basically, the vaccines are causing heart injury in at least 2.8% of people who get the shot. Imran Ahmed, chief. Tech entrepreneur seeks Covid-19 treatment using existing drugs July 28, 2020, 9:50 AM A COVID-19 vaccine is months away and existing drugs could be a better solution to fighting to virus.. the shoulder muscle) comes from a study of 13 Moderna-vaccinated people that reported extremely low levels of it in the blood of 11 of them using ultralow detection technology. I am reminded of the old saying warning people against playing chess with pigeons. May 20, 2020. Overdose deaths went up a lot, thats mostly fentanyl. That means Steve actually thinks there were less than 500 deaths, or hes afraid that someone could win that prize. She had no previous history of heart problems. Silver medalists spend the rest of their lives consumed by guilt that they didnt win. Low covid states like Vermont and Hawaii must also be hiding the deaths. The reason for that is simple: it would make it crystal clear that the vaccines are unsafe. No, deaths and cases were both low at the time. He founded the anti-vaccine group Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, whose advisors include Byram Bridle, Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, and Stephanie Seneff. Its funny, Steve didnt respond to anything I wrote and Crawford said hes too busy to respond. Good research is time-consuming. Excess deaths line up with covid deaths just about everywhere. Another is to identify an asteroid that is going to hit the planet.. A systematic review of published cases of shingles following (though not necessarily caused by) COVID vaccination identified 54 cases. I think this means that Musk likes to watch dicks while Bezos likes to ride them. He thinks the CFR spikes represent hidden vaccine deaths. Rather than be concerned that some myocardial damage was done by the vaccine, which is openly acknowledged in the study, it is dismissed as being of no importance since half of the elevated troponins resolved 24 hours later. Hes started several successful tech companies. It doesnt look like thats happening in the US, I have not yet checked across Europe. Kirsch provided no evidence for his claim about the Covid vaccine being "the most dangerous vaccine." He went on to make several other unsubstantiated statements. Steve thinks otherwise. Fascinated with computers from a young age, he has been in the CS and engineering game for over 50 years. Steve says the difference of 171,000 deaths hides the vaccine deaths. Its that simple. Steve offered a million dollars to prove that there had been less than 500 vaccine deaths in the US. If so, how long did that take to occur? On his blog, Kirsch went farther and has described fluvoxamine as "a small pill that transforms this destructive virus into a mild-mannered common cold." Also, if you are a paid subscriber, youll be able to view the reader comments which are as valuable as the method. Given that nearly 582 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine have been given in the United States alone (where Kirschs conversation with Dr. Drew was taking place), an off the charts number of people who suddenly develop shingles after receiving the vaccine would surely be in the six digits at least, right? A few days later, over 60 doctors wrote another letter saying: "We are concerned due to mounting data and. Other than that, Im happy to go back and forth with written responses about the data. And, of course, Steve never paid. Three other vaccine sceptic newsletters, from tech entrepreneur Steven Kirsch, virologist Robert Malone and anonymous writer Eugyppius, generate about $300,000 between them. Shingles is caused by the awakening of a dormant virus, varicella-zoster, in the human body. He has asked his readers on Substack to fill out a very unscientific survey (could be the most important survey youll ever take) to see if they know anyone who died after receiving a COVID vaccine. But hed still be doing the world a favor. The changes were made on October 24, 2022 to the GUIDE FOR AVIATION MEDICAL EXAMINERS. Many states and countries didnt see any such spike. Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch & Bret Weinstein Discuss: Spike Protein From Vaccine Is Dangerous Posted By Ian Schwartz On Date June 22, 2021 Video unavailable This video is unavailable Watch on. Was the high CFR because of a bad outbreak? So when this [COVID-19] came along, I approached it in the same way.. Kirsch says that the scientific advisory board has reviewed 110 grant applications so far, and has funded 14 of them. The latest data, published Dec. 15, three days after. But while this effort was praiseworthy, Kirschs predilection for oversimplifying and exaggerating led him to mislead. If it was COVID, you can be public. Steve Kirsch Executive Director of the COVID-19 Early TreatmentFund August 29, 2021 I am the founder of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund( He had no knowledge of it. If the vaccine kills people, it doesnt matter if you take it on an island or a continent. Please, The results were published in a peer-reviewed medical journal in 2022 and there have been no notices of concern associated with the paper like they do to papers that they dont like (such as, Mark Skidmores paper showing 278,000 American deaths from the vaccines in 2021 alone. That covers almost 150,000 of them, which happened before vaccinations began. MedPage Today explores how the old antidepressant has made its way to the COVID spotlight. Theyll defecate all over the board and fly away, satisfied of their victory. It will be published in The Epoch Times later this week. Kirsch, like so many COVID misinformers, would grab hold of the free speech torch and try to convince his followers that the only way to settle the issue would be to debate it publicly. Edited excerpts: In your advocacy, you focus on early treatment of Covid-19. Luckily, vaccine Spike is not the same as and behaves differently from virus Spike. First off, it has been tweaked: scientists added an extra bit of code to it so that it would contain two additional proline molecules, which freeze the spike protein in the shape it has before unlocking the door to our cells, so that our immune system would get trained to recognize the spike protein in its pre-breaking-and-entering look. But he didnt. To the best of my knowledge, the risks of vaccines are small and getting the shot is safer than getting the virus. Copyright HT Digital Streams Ltd. All rights reserved. Kirsch himself would end up stepping down as CEO and giving up his board seat. It was crazy because it said that cabal controls the media and all the tech companies but the cabal isnt strong enough to control Youtube. That test is the gold-standard for cardiac injury. We all know its not 100% safe. Our work in funding early treatments for COVID was featured on60 Mi nut es. He used case numbers from 18 days prior, assuming thats roughly how long it takes to die from covid. Please consider making a donation on their website. Here are the first 25 countries: Most countries do not have a surge of deaths while people get vaccinated. Its true on every island that avoided covid. It also goes to your child's brain, heart, and other critical organs. When COVID-19 struck earlier this year, Steve recognized both his disadvantages as an immunocompromised man and his opportunity to make a difference as a man of means. Some of these, like hydroxychloroquine, turned out to be flops, while others are still debated. The lying, the colluding and the trouble they are going to in order to avoid doing basic studies on the injected vs. the uninjected makes it obvious there is a criminal coverup and craven disregard for the public, children, babies, pregnant women, everyone. How important is it? Tag: Steve Kirsch. But, for some reason, those countries cant all just come together and hide 100% of the evidence. At the end of the article, I talk a bit about the psychology of the anti-vax movement and try to answer a more interesting question: what motivates a multi-millionaire like Steve to make false claims about covid vaccines? Crawford claims that the covid case fatality rate (CFR) went up in Europe, right around when vaccinations began: CFR is defined as covid deaths divided by covid cases. He publicly distorted and exaggerated tiny signals in the scientific literature and conjured up an epic story of good versus evil: Pfizers COVID vaccine was killing more people than it saved, he said, while the usefulness of safe and cheap drugs was being denied by an apparatus that favoured newer, more profitable treatments. In a 58 page document, tech entrepreneur Steve Kirsch argues there have been over 150,000 covid vaccine deaths in the United States. More than 485 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from Dec. 14, 2020, through Dec. 13, 2021. Machines were huge, locked in air-conditioned rooms, and fed with punched cards. It is now: .12 to .3 and potentially even higher. Since January it's gotten very busy, and I've been almost 100% COVID prevention and treatment," Haider said. They found that 29.24% of the participants developed cardiac injuries within days after they got the second shot: But heres the most important part about that study that nobody points out: None of the tests that were done in the Thailand study included doing a cardiac MRI with contrast on all the participants since that would be expensive and invasive. The. We didnt come up with better mouse technology than Microsoft did. So this number always depends on the numerator (covid deaths) and the denominator (covid cases). Steve could have gotten the drug approved by just spending more of his money to fund a larger trial. Both will initially be with no out of pocket cost to the person being vaccinated. Haider says he has permanent medical licenses in five states, and has received a pandemic waiver to provide telemedicine services in 41 states. Days to death from Dec 15, 2020 in Medicare in Connecticut. When we start talking about vaccine deaths, excluding islands makes no sense whatsoever. Fluvoxamine is the poster child of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF). So, why did Crawford exclude islands? It was done after the vaccine rollout. If instead of treating people in four days after symptoms, they treat people five days after symptoms..its set up for failure. Apple Podcasts Preview. The Australian data doesnt rule out the possibility that the vaccine killed some people. They dont tend to line up with vaccination rates anywhere. It literally takes just a few seconds a day to do. But it sounds like Steve couldnt play well with others. Currently, the goal is to raise $30 million to continue supporting scientists developing preventative medicines and the approach is paying off. That would be a 5% increase in excess mortality if the vaccine deaths were spread out over the full year. nose bleeds, anal leakages, and the unbelievable swelling of the male reproductive apparatus, one in three people in the US will develop shingles, making unsupported claims during the pandemic, freeze the spike protein in the shape it has before unlocking the door to our cells, that protein becomes stuck inside the membrane of the cell that makes it, all 12 members of the scientific advisory board of his COVID-19 company to resign, declined a request for its emergency use authorization, what Steve Kirsch did back in December 2020, Kirsch pre-emptively accuses Obama and his friends, shouts at reporters and sends them emails in all caps, One of Last Centurys Most Influential Social Science Studies Is Pretty Bad. Steve Kirsch: COVID Vaccines Kill More People Than They Save by Veronika Kyrylenko December 6, 2021 According to his bio, Mr. Kirsch is a serial entrepreneur and has founded several companies. Steve Kirsch hopes to help treat COVID-19 early by funding research that uses existing drugs. But Steve thinks that people are just failing to file reports. Doug Richman, an HIV drug researcher and former member of Kirschs scientific advisory board, put it thusly to MIT Technology Review: He considers himself an expert in something that he doesnt have training or experience in, and hes not following scientific methods to assess data. If you believe cheap drugs to be a panacea and vaccines to be deadly, how else to explain public health agencies disagreement with you but as severe incompetence or conspiratorial secrecy? But these very small amounts make their way to the liver, where they get chewed up. Yes, these were successes, but the successes could have been bigger if we had really paid attention to marketing. In the October 2022 version of the FAA Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners, the FAA quietly widened the EKG parameters beyond the normal range (from a PR max of .2 to unlimited). Were no longer talking about covid transmission. Crawford thinks the vaccine deaths were smuggled into the data as covid deaths. If covid mutates, the vaccines could become less effective, maybe even useless. View link in a new tab . Thanks! Finding a few countries where there were deaths after vaccines doesnt actually prove anything if there are excess deaths, it could also be covid. "Steve Kirsch reached out and said look at all this stuff on fluvoxamine," Haider said. In other words, the 29% rate of injury was a lower bound of injury. But his estimate of the number of vaccine deaths in America is very far from the truth, so I would suggest you be very cautious in believing any other claims he makes. Recently, another old drug called fluvoxamine has come onto the scene. But kids are indestructible so a 30% injury rate in kids translates into a higher rate for adults. The Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF) takes a different approach to this by funding outpatient clinical trials for effective early treatments. The PR (a measure of heart function) used to be in the range of .12 to .2. Are covid deaths undercounted? In the case of this other prize, regarding Mathew Crawfords blog posts, Steves million dollar bet has the caveat that you need to be an academic and you need to get the proof published in a medical journal (even though the arguments themselves are just blog posts on substack). To be thorough, lets consider Steves other argument: vaccine deaths have been hidden by calling them covid deaths. The next on the list, Camostat, has a good theory for why it might work. They widened it by a lot. For Crawford to find vaccine deaths hidden in the case fatality rates, hes going to have to first find a way to factor out the seasonal spike that started months before vaccinations begin. This flatters people: they feel smart while doing it and they feel like theyre being let in on hidden secrets. "Most people with early COVID get better on their own, so you can't say that a drug is effective until you've shown it's better than placebo, or some other comparison, in a controlled trial," said Joffe. And to spend more on drug trials to prove which drugs work. That might be possible. As a thank you to all my paid subscribers, Im going to remind you again what it is (Ive already written about it in the past, but Im going to add some more details). Bronze are happy that they made the podium. Fortunately it was at that point that I-- read in the New York Times, of all places, about the COVID Early Treatment Fund. Europe would have to be mislabeling vaccine deaths as covid deaths, as well, so its more like 40 countries in on the plot. And peninsulas, I guess. There never will be. Opens in a new tab or window, Visit us on Twitter. ( Natural News) What you are about to read got Steve Kirsch of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund permanently banned from Twitter because it proves that the "vaccines" being administered for the plandemic are causing people to develop prion disease. How long will it take for this to result in a catastrophe? Only 350,000 of these deaths were logged as covid deaths: Besides the covid deaths, we have 32,000 extra deaths from heart disease, 9,000 extra strokes, 12,000 deaths from Alzheimers, 14,000 from diabetes. Why is that? To former President Obama, its $1 million to join him in a debate, for which Kirsch pre-emptively accuses Obama and his friends of being misinformation spreaders. I use quotes because it wouldnt be a 1 on 1 discussion with him, it would be a zoom call with me talking to Steve and 15 of his friends at the same time. The fund was established by businessman and philanthropist Steve Kirsch to pay for outpatient clinical trials, with the goal of reducing hospitalization and death by 75 percent. Kirsch twisted Morris answer of Who knows, but not 150K, and not zero, into the headline, BOMBSHELL: Top biostats professor admits we have NO CLUE # of people KILLED by COVID vaccines, in an email he sent to journalists. I received both Moderna injections (March&April 2021). Steve Kirsch went on those websites and I think he emailed everyone who was open to alternative treatments.". The Substack letter published on Dec. 28 by Steve Kirsch, an individual previously fact-checked by Reuters ( here and here ), calls for an immediate halt to vaccine rollouts, saying the. If we cherry-pick these reports to scare people, we should also share post-vaccination reports claiming nose bleeds, anal leakages, and the unbelievable swelling of the male reproductive apparatus. A purpose-driven entrepreneur and podcaster, I'm an expert in reputation management who writes about how companies and leaders communicate in good times and bad. European countries had a CFR spike because every country in Europe had a covid spike during the winter. After providing a disclaimer, he appears to give medical advice in a post entitled "How I would Treat COVID." As recently as this spring, Steve Kirsch and his COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF) were riding high. This virus causes chickenpox when were young. Steve never replied to Angelas offer. There might be a smaller blip in excess deaths there, or that could be some random noise. And FrameMaker is still a niche product. The initiative has drawn grant proposals from top scientists, including cancer genomics pioneer Bert Vogelstein and Michel Nussenzweig, whose research has led to the development of innovative vaccines against infectious disease and new treatments for autoimmunity. In the US, it averages around 20%: Theres some improvement in the rate, starting around March. More than a year after. Here are all cause mortality graphs from two examples: Hawaii (left) and Vermont (right): Remember: if the vaccine is deadly, it should be deadly everywhere. See the difference? A Substack article claimed that a "New big data study of 145 countries show COVID vaccines makes things worse (cases and deaths)". Because if we can move the needle on those, thats huge. This post is mostly a bunch of boring graphs explaining why thats not possible. Crawford pretends hes found some hidden signal of vaccine deaths. They're Called Vaccines. That would be extremely problematic; commercial aviation in the US would be severely disrupted. Kirsch said no racetrack workers who took fluvoxamine had lingering symptoms at 14 days of follow-up, compared with 60% of workers who did not take the drug. Its almost impossible to salvage Crawfords argument. Weekly episodes of "The Evolutionary Lens" are co-hosted with Heather Heying, in which we use an evolutionary toolkit to reveal patterns in nature--including human nature. Excess heart disease deaths tracked covid deaths, through the pandemic: Graph the deaths state by state, and you can find some more patterns. They found that 29.24% of the participants developed cardiac injuries within days after they got the second shot: 70% of those people, when screened for cardiac injury using an FDA-approved testing device (from Heart Care Corp), exhibited objective signs of cardiac injury, Thailand study showed nearly 30% of kids had abnormal cardiac biomarkers after the shot, change log where you can see the change listed. Crawford has decided to exclude all islands. An article in MIT technology review talks about Steve Kirschs history. I use this method myself on a regular basis. 225Steve Kirsch114,000 . - He regularly exaggerates scientific findings and twists them to support his narrative that the COVID-19 vaccines are deadly and that off-patent drugs like ivermectin and fluvoxamine are highly effective against COVID-19. A fund created by Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur and philanthropist Steve Kirsch is supporting research on COVID-19 treatments that can be administered immediately after infection.