This is a very interesting couple in the domain of sexual activity - one of them hiding their sexuality, and the other acting as sex itself. A Scorpio woman in love can be erratic and mysterious while a Piscean man is emotional and kind. i am loyal to a fault, until i know its your fault that i am no longer happy! This will remove confidence in the hearts of the people we love, we truly do clamp on with claws and sting till you are seared. Then after some time he stopped talking, i asked him whats wrong, he just said some family problem is going on. Virgo man-Scorpio woman is the most intriguing couple of all zodiac signs. Spread love and youll receive love. Dont give up on them in total because of your experience. When these two work together, they can be a powerful team. One thing he did do was tell me he loved me everyday, but you cant believe anything they say because there is usually an alterior motive. But who is? His shit dont smell like roses!!! We have to accept what is out partners flaws and instead of criticizing them, we should support them. I carried on with the new guy and really was trying to avoid him at all cost. The truth is that this man does nothing to menot sexually, not intellectually, not emotionally, nothing. Its not something malicious, its as natural as breathing to us, and the only logical way to make sure were getting a fair shake. So we never really broke the friendship and remained friends through out those years.) For those Virgos with negative Scorpio experiences, I am sorry. i have a scorp asc I read them easily too easy to read for me this scorp!> very emotional, great in bed, extremely jealous, and i have to agree one of my experience with one was phisical the guy wanted to choked me, he even showed me his fist once!. Pob 485, scorpio man is a virgo woman scorpio, this is a middle-aged woman and aquarius. I find it highly peculiar that any Scorpio make worth his salt would degrade himself so much to shower any woman with gifts and affections of love when he has only just started to get to know her. One of them asked about the possibility of a relationship after I denied his kiss (wed hung out only three or four times prior to this). And i loved it all. When in a relationship you should accept those faults and if need be help that person change them not force them to do it alone. Im a Virgo woman with Scorpio man. I met an amazing Virgo at a new years party, she was and still is like no girl I have ever met. Ahh its awful but I feel if there is no hope for anything else with us then the worse is already over. Then, one day, via e-mail, he decides to tell me he is in love with me. bt Im not going to label them as cheaters or mentally abusive. Im scorpio with a virgo girl. Likewise, Scorpio would prefer to slowly get to know someone. He tries really, really hard to please me in EVERY way possible in and out of the bed! I also went out with a Gemini they are boys that never grow up! Best to you all :-). what defense do we have but LOVE, & even that GETS OLD! [emailprotected] Zombie, Scorpio man and Virgo woman compatibility. Hes hard to deal with. i cant say i dont feel the same because i do, but i know the men of this zodiac are great actions and have a tendency to do this tango over and over because all scorpios love to tango, and im finding it very difficult to restrain myself HELP! But was a bit pursuasive, i didnt mind that. I am so nervous after reading this and reading allearth3000 comment lol and ghost comment. PLEASE LADY DONT WASTE YOUR TIME! I try to be, but as any Scorpio being truthful about themselves will tell you we have a lot of emotions bubbling around inside, many of which are hard to pinpoint which means next to impossible to understand. The Virgo woman may be feeling unheard or blamed for mistakes of another's doing. Scorpio is a fixed water sign, symbolized by the deadly scorpion, and is confident and passionate, while Virgo is a mutable Earth sign, symbolized by a virginal maiden, and is demure and aloof. Virgos' ability to process minutiae makes these earth signs incredible writers, orators, and editors . Most Scorpios are very pure at heart. Im a Virgo girl and my crush (that likes me back and we are kind of dating but kind of not) is a scropio and we really get along I think that we are what each other wants. w/ my scorp man. Meh. Then there is the erotic side of the Scorpio man who needs to release his lust and passion in the bedroom. As scorpios were intuitive and can sense when someone is not being genuine. because when I made that move, it was such a relief for me a weight no longer there and its like I could breathe again? & no flaws to ponder on Son I tried to cool it off with him but he wouldnt let me.. Point is I didnt run, like Im used to running, when I should have. Should be casual friends, and not casusl friends. In short thats why I HATE this Scorpio. I was very taken aback by this revelation, and to some extent it left me feeling very uncomfortable with the friendship, to the point where I decided early this year that I must tell him I have no intimate feelings for him. always critical & knitpicking me to the point of insanity & aggravation, im not sure we are managable, compatible or truly in love as it says we could/should be. Ok, reading through this i have seen some relationships fail and some flourish. A Virgo woman's loyalty will give the suspicious Scorpio mind some peace . Definitely once a Virgo knows her Real Worthshe can make any man feel thrilled for sheer intensity, depth and substance. You never know what you might find at the bottom of the rainbow!! We may be the text book example of taming of the shrew. Her attitude was unless I was willing to be her boyfriend than husband she would deny everything. A person with both Virgo and Scorpio placements/ energy in my natal chart here. lets just say i have not forgotten what i saw now either, since i get no reciprocity now anyway, it has reared its ugly head & infuriated me. We are passionate men, very much extreme, always wanting to be more than what is expected or needed by the woman who we are clear loves us. The amount of passion we both had!! Im a realist, I Hope my candor doesnt hurt you but it is what it is. I dont know how relevant this may be to you as I am nowhere near the level of experience (perhaps not even in the same ballpark lol) that you seem to have. Scorpio man dating a gemini woman A scorpio man. Virgo woman and Scorpio man have great communication, but without her knowing, the Scorpio holds things back and keep to him in his ever lying depth. I am staying single now. I gave him all the loyalty, love and attention, in the world,(thats true virgo nature) and got nothing but lies, mind games, punishment and empty promises in return. For him, sex is a powerful experience, both physically and emotionally. I've dealt with a Scorpio man and Scorpio woman (masculine of center). An extent, scorpio's can definitely form a scorpio man and capricorn woman: both are greatly driven by the capricorn woman with articles, and. A Scorpio man's ability to become cold and withdrawn in a fight is at odds with a Virgo woman's preference to hash things out. I am virgo woman.. I am a Virgo female & have found the Scorpio male to be easily misunderstood. The attraction was immediate, and I knew from the very first date that I was in big trouble (good trouble.) Scorps start off great, thats how they get you..but then as you get to know them and fall in love, they reveal their dark side, no matter how much i loved him, i never trusted him, because he was capable of lying with a straight face and turning his back on me in a second, if i upset him. I usually shut down in which i wind up not saying anything at all so he never really gets to know the inner me;but when he keeps prying and asking me whats wrong,,, eventually I explain whats on my mind and how I dont appreciate him not understanding or listening to what I have to say. Virgo woman with the same Scorpio result. There are moments of awkwardness between them while making love. My Scorpio man and I have been together for 6 yrs. Both signs have exceptional conversational skills, probably the best between two signs in the zodiac. One side of him believes wholeheartedly that sex is a sacred spiritual union between two people becoming one. I am crazy about her. and fall madly in love for a scorpio? Virgo is a mutable earth sign whereas Scorpio is a fixed water sign, the Virgo woman Scorpio man compatibility gets a FOUR Hearts rating. According to astrologer Kristina Semos, the scorpion is notoriously sex-obsessed, while the Virgin . He stopped putting effort in our relationship, i was the one who contacted him all the time, then he said that he is sorry that he was not able to give time to me. Scorpio and Virgo Compatibility - Are Virgo and Scorpio Compatible They're considered one of the best, if not the best men for a Virgo female. We compromise. . Hes a family man and a hardworking man which I love; he really does complete me because I can be mean and critical at times (Im a perfectionist and I drive myself crazy at times lol). Virgo Woman and Scorpio Man Love Compatibility | Ask Oracle. Required fields are marked *. God be with her, I can survive in hell also but dont leave her hand, If something happens to her I wont be able to rest even in my grave. At that time i was so fed up, hurt, felt manipulated ,mentally exhausted, used, that i said pretty bad things to him. @jamieask Oh my. Scorpio Man And Virgo Woman Compatibility In Bed Love - GaneshaSpeaks This is a well-balanced match . Virgo Woman - Scorpio Man Love Compatibility | Linda Goodman Now that shes had a taste of the relationship you two have shared and her other one with her ex, she may need some time to see what she truely wants and what her heart desires. Compatibility for good luck: Medium. Hi Virgo woman PLEASE run when you see a Scorpio male. Understanding the Compatibility Between a Scorpio Man and Virgo Woman Speaking from personal experience it would either take some Jedi mind trick, hypnosis or a government mind control program to get me to waste my time on a woman until she has confirmed through her word and actions that she is worth it. lately I FEEL i can handle and manuver them easily!. Both Virgo and Scorpio are very loyal and love hard! That means I give my best. Because of that I am happy to say that I am benefitting and reaping the rewards of the person hes become. You try to be friendly and good but if they dont get want they want they leave. Both of them are ready to work tirelessly for the sake of financial stability, and in this matter to fully find mutual understanding. Virgo and Scorpio can make a balanced and loving couple. Being methodical in nature, a Virgo zodiac male and an untamed Scorpio female seem to a non-compatible pair. We also are efficient when it comes to making money. IF both Signs are just up front..plain & simple.. a lot of time could be saved. For now our relationship is in smooth sailing. She was absolutely in love with me. The times to be strong, the times to be soft, the times to emote or stay silent, a dancedelicate and beautiful. He will also admire the fact that she is so . He can effortlessly explore a situation and can be pretty critical regarding it, if needed. Both are water signs so the compatibility meter is high. Friendship is gone! Im glad you got something out of it. Mar 22, 2014. He is an extremist with calm and steady surface and smoldering passion within him. The solution occurs once they feel more comfortable with each other. As both the Virgo woman and Scorpio man discover the reality of love, they rediscover their soul and oneness in such a form that their odds become good and they unlock the gates of their hearts to be loyal and devoted towards each other forever after. I have been bothered by recent developmemts, and decided to google the compatibility of a Virgo woman and Scorpio man. I just want to say thank you for giving such a great insight into the Scorpio mind set! These failed relationships on here have been the Scorpios fault only. . I am slowly getting there and finding peace with the loss, I hope you have also. he isnt engaged and its a ploy to keep people out of his business and he like me. He used to call all the time, shared everything with me, was romantic,possesive, jealous. All rights reserved. Hell slowly back away, carefully, the whole time not allowing what he needs to be pulled from him till he is ready. you guys are good at taking care of others true, but in anyway that is NONEMOTIONAL. I still love him and dont know how to get over him. Beneath the soft voice of Scorpio man lays his subtle strategies to enhance his career and personal life. He was a taker not a giver! Never again with them. I find what a lot of people have said about us male Scorps troubling. how would you like that? But like anyone else we are not perfect. I love my Virgo girl. Stop over analyzing the situation and put EVERYTHING on the table. for him, when he sits there being HIM 100% & doesnt feel bad about it at all! Extroverted Evolving (willing to consider there is growth available and seeks to find truth and compassion towards others in all situations). Crazy chemistry.almost too the point of obsession. But hes so FINE and the sex is AMAZING!!! Good for you removing yourself from an unhealthy relationship with a man that you dont trust, forget scorpio or not. Also, he always embarrassed me in front of Aries by making me look stupid when me and Aries dated. You just described perfectly my relationship with the Scorpio man in my life. We often seem to clash when it comes to communicating with each other. In order for this relationship to really work, she has to understand his broad range of deep, intense emotions. However, everything does not need to be criticized. 4. Scorpio Man and Virgo Woman Compatibility in Love and Sexual Life Hes so loveable and passionate about our relationship, he will do ANYTHING to make it work. He supports me and always knows what direction to take us in business or life. When we have all that- watch out, nothing you want will ever go unprovided for.. and we give 10x more in all situations than we get! As for I gave it all to our Almighty God, that we will continue love each other:). Also that I dont have time for men that dont know what they want. it saddens me, b/c i have given my all & i feel persecuted & i have lost a great deal of respect for you. Dont try to change scorpio. Scorpios love finding a good challenge, not to mention I walked away with a smile every time I heard another meathead had failed. Virgos are efficient, reliable, good at communicating, and good at getting the job done. Cancer June 21 - July 22; Leo July 23 - Aug 22; Virgo Aug 23 - Sept 22; Libra Sept 23 - Oct 22; Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21; Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21; Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19; Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb . In work, this tandem has no equal. No one should ever be abused in anyway. Someone commented about how to get rid of them, by giving them a list of everything thats wrong with them or that they do that hurts you and you wont hear back from them. Check out these 4 zodiac signs who tend to make a classy exit after a breakup. And now that I have finally met again another Scorpio man I going for it. He was so sweet, caring, charming and affectionate. Jan mayen dating, down to her turn-ons and monthly sagittarius man does, with online dating this virgo man ignores you really long time. When the straightforward Virgo man criticizes the emotional Scorpio woman, problems may emerge. Then he always comes back and the cycle starts again, always ending in a very sad and hurtful place. 4. She has experience with astrology, tarot and other forms of divination. Now i am feeling lost and hurt. Because of this I was able to watch from a safe distance of friendship as she would bring around a new guy and then shamelessly flick them away at the first sign of a flaw. I wish everything will be right with you and your scorpio. A Virgo man and Scorpio woman meekly complement each other. im a virgo woman and scorpios are the only sign that can handle me i knw them like da back of my hand..the good thing about them is only the sex if u a virgo u know scorpios bring out ur sexual side..they really take u there if u know wat i mean but the bad part is they lie cheat and manipulate they love to play mind games and somehow i always end up falln for them and end up gettn my heart broke like how im feeln right now over onei currently broke it off wit da scorpio man i was just dating he play to many mind games and i still manage to fall in love wit him ugh i wish love came with a receipt or refund cus all he gave me was false advertisement like all scorpio do on the surface is wat exactly wat they want u to see til u really start to see there true colors ..he wasnt anything like i thought he was so WORD ADVICE TO ALL VIRGO WOMEN STAY FAR AWAY FROM SCORPIO MAN!!! I am currently speaking to a Scorpio man and I am a Virgo woman. Tell us HOW what you want would make you feel, let us know that things we do bring you closer to us and that it helps you feel PROTECTED and taken care of. These signs exert a beneficial influence on each other . @[emailprotected] I just really hate when we argue. I wonder if there is any advice you Virgo girls can give me. A Scorpio will alway try his hardest to fulfill a request given by a loved one, but he will never obey a command. Its take it or leave it with them. Looking forward to a promising future!!! But being flawed is part of what makes everyone beautiful! Our make-up sex is off the charts! Aug 30, 2018. We think that because we can control our appearance were then in control, but thats just not the case. Virgo Man with Scorpio Woman Love Compatibility, Virgo Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs, Scorpio Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs,, I havent heard from him since I feel so hurt and used. Since weve gained mutual friends so I was able to get to know her without coming on too strong. It goes deeper and touches something that is transformational. The acknowledgements go miles and pay dividends! On the other hand, Virgo pays attention to details and admires perfection. You shouldnt judge all Scorpios because of one experience. Can we be hard to handle? Then, there is this Scorpio man (early 60s). The Virgo woman is peaceful, calm, and peaceful, she is usually less nervous than usual when she has a Scorpio by her side. He was very quick to ask me to be his girlfriend a little while later, and though my cautious virgo mind was hesitant I gave in to my heart and said yes, although Ive kept my heart guarded for a while; opening up little by little. it always depends on the individual, and there are always other astrological factors to consider, but this pairing has a better than average shot. Now, at the time, I was 26 (now 28 doing on 29), and my group of friends consisted and still do of 3 mid-twenty males (yes, a group of friends for me is three people). Plz people dont take this bad I dont mean that they arent good people. It was awful news for more then the fact it may have caused me to lose this girl after all. Whats even more crazy is about 10 years ago I had a relationship with a bisexual Virgo girl and about 16 years ago I had a fling with a Virgo women who when I turned her marriage offer down went lesbian. The Virgo and Pisces compatibility is 50/50; it can be either heaven or hell. I apologize. Beautiful relationship. The analytical and patient Earth sign Virgo meets the passionate and emotional Water sign Scorpio. Stay with me, Im almost done) So, I have started talking to this beautiful Virgo woman again, but she is now in a relationship with someone. I'm a 37 male Scorpio in a long term relationship with a 37 female Virgo. Virgo needs full disclosure and honesty once trust is established, and that can be a challenge for Scorpio. Virgo Woman and Scorpio Man Compatibility in 2022. There may be an appointment that the Virgo woman has been egging the Scorpio man to schedule. Im a scorpio man too and i looking for a virgo in my life. I hope this helped someone out there. I lost my self respect,felt pathetic and desperate just because, i wanted him in his life and love him more than anyone i have ever loved. That intense quietness guys can be read/translated as a BORE! He give me his love, faithful even we are in long distance relationship. I was in a relationship (sort of) but I had been and was having problems in my current relationship when I first started talking to this scorpio man. You give, change, try & still feel BORED! Compatibility for wealth and family growth: Good. Love is always a gift, even if sometimes convoluted, and you question the wisdom of the moment. I know this is pretty scattered but i dont like talking about things i personally have experienced. Virgo Man and Scorpio Woman Compatibility in Love and Sexual Life Because I am so transparent and verbal, I find myself challenged by his relative silence. Scorpio guysyou want a Virgo girl? 1. Both our parents like us to end up together. But it needs to be brought up, because I have been trying to deal with that while also confronting my feelings for this Virgo woman. maybe for revenge hahaha funny scorp u got to love them once u understand their full of ego and emotions!> not a very smart combination but one a VIRGO WOMAN can handle!. I let it go because I love him.. The passion for knowledge that Virgos and . Hells to the NO! Virgo maidens are ruled by mercurythey are perfectionists. When we were apart, he stayed connected to my sister because she use to go to a local hang out where he would see her, and he was always trying to get back with me. We talk for hours over the phone, its like he really knows and understands me. one of the best, actually. We truly are utterly in love. Is love possible between a Scorpio women and a Virgo man? At that time my mind begin to work in overdrive and thought pretty bad scenerios. The grass always look greener. we are not mind readers or psychics either! I know Virgette but I cant help feeling vindictive nad spiteful I know in the end it wont help but I think it would make me feel so much better. Scorpio man Virgo woman - Compatible Astrology Dont let us find out that youre being untrue to us because we are vengeful souls. Being back with him now, its like I look back and I cant really see a time when his love wasnt their or a time when I really didnt love him. Whenever I fell there wasnt anyone to help me and every time even without any strength I again stand up, well I dont want same thing happen to her, hahahaaaa It hurts. This post reflects quite accurately my own experience with my Scorpio. Not as intense as it was before, but at least she felt more in control head she knew we could work things out on my end with no anxiety one at a time. they are also loyal to friends and very protective of the people they love!. He waited for me to come back around, almost as if he knew, even though he tells me he never thought hed see the day that id be back in his life. I have met my soulmate and I think its because we were friends all those years before we decided to get into a romantic relationship. The mental abuse has stayed even to this day not ( just not as bad & easily managable) The physical abuse started after 2nd child @ 4 mnths of age..Physical Abuse started 2 yrs & 4 mnths & 4 days after weddingchoking, punching, slapping,pulling my long hair & throwing me on the concreteSCORPIOS ARE DANGEROUS he has ALWAYS threstend to kill me still I have people who know if I come up missing it is MY HUSBAND tell cops !!! Virgo or Scorpio? It is still your all zodiac signs past just pick yourself all zodiac signs and grow from it. If you're a Virgo woman in a relationship with a Scorpio man, make sure to utilize your strengths to the best of your ability. I loved to hang out with him and loved how he made me feel and how I could just let myself go and be silly or whatever with out feeling uncomfortable or embarrassed! @jamie- I am totally agree wid u and every single word is correct.I felt that u r narrating ma story. The Virgo Zodiac. I just read all the comments posted here, and I must say, they are all very interesting. He used to call all the time, shared everything with me, was romantic,possesive, jealous. However he does have some typical scorpio traits. Scorpios and Virgos can be secretive..its in our nature but we must Open up to one another if we want something desirable. I always give him a run for his money because as a Virgo, I am going to let you suffer till I see fit that you will never ever ever cheat on me againand the funny thing is that he endured it. Ive been a guarded individual throughout the majority of my life thus far, because in the majority of my relationships Ive been burned. So I really (honestly) did not go ahead with the revenge plan. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and her health had been declining. I observed this entry while surfing and I can say it is worth the time I spent on it. I would have killed him if i were you. Joseph, Im a Virgo myself, and I can tell you that were not always easy to get along with because of our critical and perfectionistic attitudes. Now you female virgos please tell me what I scorpio male am or doing or did wrong. Three signs away, Leo is faced with both Scorpio and Taurus. A Scorpio man and a Virgo woman combination is an excellent zodiac match. @ Mary-Anne: I agree with Virgette NEEEXT is the right word form him. Well Scorpios will not give up on you no matter how much you push them awayeventually you will fall in love with them. Being that Ive been with my Scorpio for so long, Im learning to let him know on the spot when I feel hes not being attentive. He isnt perfect and neither am I but when we are together we just work. A strong emotional bond, intense and passionate love, mutual respect and understanding, deep connection, and mutual support characterise the compatibility of a Virgo man and a Scorpio woman. What they like this, male and physical attraction and cons of capricorn man and cancer, male is deadly kind of the scorpio woman come together. hes not hes just a typical scorpio male seeking warmth passion and intimacy, If Virgo woman would first rather point out that scorpio is not perfect ..and discuss that point first, scorpio will listen but yes will accept the same in return , If this cannot happen scorpio male may feel discontent and again become distant and therefore appear to virgo as though he cannot be trusted he is a scorpio male and before long warmth and intimacy will be offered elsewhere and virgos suspicions may become a self fulfilling prophecy this may then appear to confirm virgos suspicions and hence. Do a Scorpio Man and a Virgo Woman Make a Brilliant Love Match? Save. Were affectionate/aggressive and we like to protect everyone we love. I also told him that i dont feel he will ever be ready for a committed relationship with a quality female. Scorpio dating cancer man Is the scorpio mancancer man and scorpio is quite intoxicating. Understanding The Scorpio Woman Virgo Man Relationship But look back and analyze yourself and figure where you also screwed up. Virgo and Virgo: Friendship, Sex, and Love Compatibility I clicked on the first article I found. i have heard rude comments & then received an immediate apology, as if that helped, its been said now scorp! we have been on a few dates, and the atmosphere is just so intense with so much passion i feel like i cant breathe!
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